Wednesday 30 July 2014

Cornucopia of Tomatoes - Yum

I made it up to the roof this afternoon, after my conference call and before the thunder storm started. I can safely say, tomato season has officially begun on the roof. A have a lovely variety of tomatoes including a Beef Master (top right), Early Girl (left of that), San Marzano (some with blossom end rot) and lovely little Orange Sunshines. I am delighted with the Orange Sunshine which are pretty and sweet and plentiful. I made a mistake this year and planted Tiny Tims instead of Sweet Millions at ground level garden - the Tiny Tims are flavourless so I'm glad I have the Orange Sunshine to make up for it! I haven't tasted the Beef Master yet so will report on that variety later.

Thursday 24 July 2014

The Zucchini Monster Strikes Again

Everything on the roof is going great guns, loads of tomatoes & blossoms and pepper plants laden with peppers.

That said, we lost the first few ripe tomatoes since they had blossom end rot due to problems getting the water level right earlier in the season. The new fruit all looks fine though so we should have tonnes of tomatoes in August - yum!

And at ground level the zucchini monster has struck again!