Sunday, 17 June 2012

You say courgette, I say zucchini...

Last year my mother in-law had to ask Martin what a zucchini was. I find it interesting that in Canada we have adopted the Italian word while the English have adopted the French word. Regardless of what you call it, these plants are splendid when in bloom and produce a pretty yummy end product too!

Zucchini vying for first-past-the-post position

You can't even see the 2" seedling!
This week included some replanting for two reasons. First, I had planted San Marzano seeds too late (March rather than January) so the seedlings were still only 2" tall. Martin thinks I'm ruthless but I had to replace them with 6" tall Romas. Secondly,  two early girls where cut off at the knees either due to high winds or getting knocked by the roofers.  The Early Girls, which were coming along quite well, have been replanted from plants that I bought in 4 pack so I planted the two spares that I still had on hand.

Reach for the top you Cucumbers
The cucumber is coming along well and I have put an old tomato cage and some netting to encourage it to climb up. I honestly haven't had much luck with cucumbers before so am still experimenting. It's not a great picture ( I took it with my iPhone) but there are several blossoms and some wee cucumbers coming.

Lastly, we were pretty disappointed by the cancellation of the Radiohead concert last night and due to the collapse of the stage which resulted in a lost life and several injuries- very sad.

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