To get to the roof, of course! Last year I had a disappointing tomato crop. Given that we have a fairly small city lot, there are limited options for locating the vegetable garden to maximize sun, which is one essential for getting a good tomato crop. Pondering my problem, I came up with the idea that our flat roof (the back 2/3 of the roof on our semi-detached home is flat) would be a great sunny space. I wanted to try it out this year and didn't want to invest too much into the project. I also didn’t want to have to climb up on the roof too often because I have to access it via an extension ladder so I started to research self-water containers.
Follow me up to the roof...
Wow this is on the main part of the house roof. I thought it was over your back room. You are so brave to get up there. What a cool project!