Saturday, 1 April 2017

2016 Results

Rooftop produced tonnes of tomatoes and peppers. Several pepper plants that I bought were mislabeled so rather than red peppers, they were banana peppers (tasty) etc.

As the tomato vines grew, the pots had a tendency to blow over - haven't had that problem before.

I had yellow shoulder on many tomatoes (most varieties were impacted). This is apparently a potassium deficiency. Lesson is to watch for how much fruit is being set and to fertilize more. I had been doing 1-2 Tbsp per week but we had i) more buckets and ii) loads of fruit being set at the same time.

I had some sort of wilt at ground level and the cucumbers died just as they were about to produce lots of bounty :-(.  Next year grow the zucchini and cucumbers in pots.

Possible the only 2 Zucchinis :-(
I grew beans from dried pods that stayed on plants over the winter. The beans were really late (August) but did okay.

So lessons...

- plant from seed to be sure of what you're getting
- I think I have wilt at ground level so will have to avoid things that are susceptible to wilt and/or plant in containers
- need to prune tomato vines harder and stake more aggressively and earlier
- fertilize more (especially in boom years) and plant tomatoes with epsom salts to increase magnesium.