Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Orange Sunshine

The first of the Orange Sunshine was ripe today, so a took a photo with my iPhone and promptly ate it - the tomato, not the iPhone. It was not quite ripe enough but it'll be another few days before I venture up on the roof. The plant is laden with fruit so there'll be plenty more and I will be more patient next time to get them at peak flavour. Yum!

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

The bounty begins

First of the shallots
Back up on the roof today to inspect, fertilize, tie up branches, pinch off suckers and harvest some shallots.

Busy bee working its magic!

All is looking quite good, some fruit set (orange sunshine and roma) and lots of blossoms coming. Thanks to the very busy bee that was up fertilizing blossoms

At ground level I had my first green bean, my third harvest of rhubarb and my first carrot, purple on the outside orange on the inside and delicious all around!